Vacation 2003
Home More of Lisa Past Life



Girlfriend Lisa I never thought it would happen, but I met the girl of my dreams this year and I am officially off the market.  As you can see there is no reason to be looking any further.
Jumping waves Things got off the ground the first day we met and I still can't keep thinking about her. 
Blowing Bubbles Lisa and I hanging by the pool at the condo.
Catching Bubbles Here we are having some fun with catch-a-bubbles.
Sweeping me off my feet As you can see, Lisa sweep me off my feet while we were together.
Beach Fun Here I am trying to get Lisa to go out to the deep water.
Advanced GameBoy SP help Lisa was showing me how to get past the Red Shy Guys in Super Mario on my new Gameboy Advance SP.
Help with the red Shy guy What more could a guy want?
I just love walks on the beach Here we are just taking a long walk on the beach together.
I just love walks on the beach Here I am telling Lisa some of the techniques I use while surfing here on Cocoa Beach.